2020-06-25 11:50:03
What is your answer?
Mother Teresa had realized: God shows us his love by sending his son Jesus Christ, who loved us with the greatest act of service anyone could bring - giving his own life for our sins.
The Love Languages of God
by Gary Chapman
If Jesus showed and taught us one thing with his life, it would read:
"Love God with all that you are and your neighbour as yourself."
What Mother Teresa had realized was exactly that same message. That's why she applied it, founded several institutions to serve the poor and needy, and in the and that is what she became famous for. Her life was an answer to the love Christ has shown us. She answered in her special way and did things that are known all around the globe. What way will you answer? What talents do you have and how can you utilize them to meet the needs of people around you?
Do we speak the love language of service? It is only one of five ways to show love (according to Gary Chapmans book) yet it is a very important thing. It seems to be the most relevant to proof, of somebody actually following Christ: Does he help those who need his help?
On the other hand side acts of service are not in themselves love. It is not neccessarily loving to give away a lot of money and spend time handing out food to the hungry. Paul even says that if you don't have love, you are nothing (1. Korinthians 13:3).
It is important to learn to love. Especially in a time where many physical expressions of love and affection are restricted or prohibited. How can you express love right now?