sj4jc - Post - What a man!

2020-04-01 10:16:51

What a man!


She replied, "Wait, my daughter, until you learn how the matter turns out, for the man will not rest but will settle the matter today."

Ruth 3:18 [ESV]

What a man? And what kind of attitude he had? - He did not want to go to bed before he got his business done. At least that is what Noomi told her daughter in law (Ruth), and you may guess what actually happened that day. (Or you could just read the book, as I would recommend.)
Noomi's call for Ruth to stay home reminds me of what Jesus told his disciples to do after the ascension - they were meant to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit would come.
God is like Boas concerning this attitude towards his work. He created the whole earth and he rested not until it was "very good".
Can we as men (and even women) today learn from this piece of history? Might there be something in our lives we should change - especially in this time of resticted options?
One of the first Mormon prophets was asked about his diary. He said he never wanted to go to bed without having some record of the day's work. Isn't that inspiring. (Don't become a mormon!)
We need rest and as I said, even God rested, but he would not let you down when you ask for his help, saying: "sorry son, but I really need to go on a vacation!"
Just last week I wrote on a chapter in a new book. Guess what, I wrote one or two paragraphs and saved the last bit of the chapter for another day. Is is not even finished now. I doubt Boas would have been fine with a result like that one.
What can you get done today? Get on it, fight it, get over it - and don't you fall asleep before you beat it.
A wise man told me last year: It is not about what you did, but about what you got done.